
Provider identification as per section 5 of the german Digital Services Act (DSA):

ASAP Holding GmbH
Sachsstraße 1A 
85080 Gaimersheim, Germany
Tel. +49 8458 3389 0 
Fax. +49 8458 3389 199
Directors: Michael Neisen, Frank Petznick, Robert Morgner, Gernot Joswig, Martin Ott
Ingolstadt Amtsgericht (District Court) HRB 5396
VAT ID: DE 268565536 

Accountable as per Article 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broad-casting Agreement (RStV):
ASAP Holding GmbH
Sachsstraße 1A 
85080 Gaimersheim, Germany

Liability Notice

Although we carefully check any content provided, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of linked pages is the exclusive responsibility of their opera-tors.

Gender Note

To enhance the readability of this website, no distinction has been made between male, female and diverse. The terms used throughout to denote persons refer to all sexes equally. The shortened linguistic form is for purely editorial reasons and does not imply any kind of valuation. 


All content, such as texts or images, are protected by copyright and may not be repro-duced, transmitted, disseminated or stored, in whole or in part, without the written per-mission of ASAP Holding GmbH.


1. Website content

ASAP Holding GmbH assumes no liability as to the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Any liability claims against ASAP Holding GmbH related to material or immaterial losses which were caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of inaccurate and incomplete information are generally excluded, unless the claim is based on an intentional act or omission, or gross negli-gence on the part of ASAP Holding GmbH. All offers are subject to confirmation and non-binding. ASAP Holding GmbH expressly reserves the right to make changes or additions to, or delete, parts of its web pages or the entire website without notice or discontinue its publication temporarily or indefinitely.

2. References and links

Any liability obligation of ASAP Holding GmbH for direct or indirect references to third-party websites ("hyperlinks") which are outside the area of responsibility of ASAP Holding GmbH would only come into effect in cases where ASAP Holding GmbH is aware of the contents and where ASAP Holding GmbH could be reasonably expected and had the technical means to prevent the use of the linked pages in case of unlawful contents. ASAP Holding GmbH hereby expressly declares that, at the time when the links were created, the linked pages did not contain any discernible unlawful content. ASAP Holding GmbH has no influence over the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked sites. Therefore, ASAP Holding GmbH hereby expressly dissociates itself from any content on linked sites which has been changed after the link was created. This state-ment applies to all links and references inserted on the ASAP Group’s own website and to all external posts on visitor’s books, discussion fora, link directories, mailing lists and any other kind of database set up by ASAP Holding GmbH to which external parties have write access to the content. Liability for any unlawful, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for losses arising from the use or non-use of any information presented in this way lies solely with the operator of the referenced page and not with the party merely referring to the publication concerned by creating links to it.

3. Copyright and intellectual property rights

Every effort is made by ASAP Holding GmbH to respect the copyright of images, graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts used in all publications, or to use self-produced images, graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts or to use graphics, audio files, video clips and texts which are in the public domain. All brand names and trademarks referred to on the website and if applicable, protected by third parties are un-conditionally subject to the provisions of the respective applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. It should not be assumed simply because trademarks are mentioned on a website that they are not protected by rights of third parties. ASAP Holding GmbH is the sole copyright holder of any published material created by ASAP Holding GmbH itself. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio files, video sequences or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of ASAP Holding GmbH.

4. Legal effectiveness of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be considered part of the website on which this page was refer-enced. If parts or individual phrases of this text are inconsistent or not fully consistent or no longer consistent with the applicable legislation, the content of the remainder of this document will not be affected thereby and will remain in full force and effect.


Website design and realisation

Agency: teufels GmbH

Photography: Nico Pudimat Fotografie