To accelerate our journey to an all new and safe future, we transformed the validation process to a software minded and fully integrated ecosystem. By rethinking the entire validation process, we aimed to push the boundaries of existing testing capabilities.
Asking ourselves questions like:
- How can we simulate faster than real-time?
- How can we implement automation as a fundamental behaviour?
- How can we accelerate new software releases, especially when they only involve incremental changes?
Our solutions in the
area of Virtual Validation

Virtual Validation
Executing test cases in a virtual environment unlocks a wealth of new possibilities. Free from the constraints of real-world timing, scenarios can run significantly faster than real-time. Multiple test instances can be deployed simultaneously, drastically reducing test cycle durations. Fully integrated into a CI/CD environment, Virtual Validation elevates the development process of ADAS to a new level of efficiency.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) automate our validation process, making it a fundamental behaviour rather than a standalone task. This approach enables faster, automated testing and deployment, enhances efficiency, reduces errors, and allows for rapid adaptation to change - ultimately improving software reliability.
When we rethought Validation, one of our biggest concerns was how we can make life easier for our testers. In most cases we blocked ourselves by fixing bugs for every testcase again and reimplementing each testcase for every test instance. The solution we brought up is TestSphere. TestSphere is an ecosystem which integrates your Testing into a whole Test Universe from requirements to approval.

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Tobias Linsler
Manager Division Software – Virtual Validation & CI